Small Groups

Every Monday
10:00am in the Youth Buidling

Join our weekly gathering of crafters for a goo time making things out of "repurposed" materials! All types of crats such as beading, jewelery making, painting, stencilng, card making, plants, woodwork, mosaics, glass etching, decopauge and more will be experienced. The items created will be for your own personal use or sold to benefit the Liturgical Arts Ministry at FUMC Boyd. Crating in this group requires a desire to have a good time for a good cause. Experience in the "arts" is not a prerequisite. All are welcome to join each week!

This group meets each Monday starting at 10am and is "come and go" as your schedule allows. Bring your lunch or a snack and join the fun!

Contact Nancy Tribolet for questions or more details.

First Thursday of Each Month
6:30-8:00pm @ TF Vineyard & Winery

Wine, Conversation, & God

Theology Uncorked is based on a simple premise: Good things happen when people sit down at the same table together and talk honestly about things that matter – and frankly, a little wine doesn’t hurt.

“Theology” simply means “words about God” – and all talk about God invariably includes talk about everything else. Movies, books, art, politics, business, biology, the economy, food, wine, life, and death – God is in it all. So if you’re tired of shallow conversations about the weather and crave authentic conversation about the weighty things of life, then Theology Uncorked is for you. All questions are good questions – doubts and skepticism deepen authentic conversation. Bring yourself, just as you are. No judgements, no assumptions, just show up exactly as you are. The intent is simply to grow, to learn, and maybe to make some new friends along the way. 

Wine, Conversation, and God – it’s as simple as that.

Contact Rev. Ricky Harrison for questions or more details.